MI Student Clinic
The Military Intelligence Student Clinic (MISC) is an extension of the Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center (RWBAHC), providing medical services to the soldiers of Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona. The clinic provides primary care and acute-care health services, as well as PHAs, vaccinations, contraceptive management, and other services. Ancillary services include embedded Optometry, Physical Therapy, and a dedicated Nurse Case Manager.
Our patient population includes the AIT students of the 305th, 309th, and 2-13th Military Intelligence battalions, as well as the Military Intelligence Basic Officer Leadership Course (MI-BOLC) and Captain’s Career Course (MI-CCC). We also support some permanent-party active-duty, National Guard, and Reserve soldiers, as well as servicemembers of allied countries.
Medical Team
The MISC has 3 providers with 1-2 screeners each to screen and treat the student population. They are assisted by a dedicated RN that helps manage the flow and ensure the students are medically fit to PCS after their training is complete.
Aviation Medicine
The Aviation Medicine clinic is co-located with the MISC, and provides oversight of all flight-medicine related services for the post and for Army aviators located all over the state of Arizona. Our tenant flight units are the SEMA 304th MI (MC-12 and RC-12 fixed-wing Intelligence) and the 2-13th MI BN (Gray Eagle and Shadow training). The aviation clinic also supports other specialty physicals, including Airborne, SERE, Special Forces, Dive, and others. We also support our Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard colleague physicals, and coordinate with nearby Air Force bases for multiservice support. Please contact the Aviation/Flight Team at (520) 533-6709 (MISC Front Desk).
Nurse Case Management
A nurse whose sole job is to ensure the students with referrals or complicated cases are not dropped. The NCM works hard to connect students with off-post appointments and ensure they are followed up with at the clinic to keep their health at the forefront. This role coordinates medical appointments and acts as a patient advocate for the students.
Physical Therapy
We offer in-house Soldier Performance Optimization Therapy (SPOT) along with Physical Therapy (PT). Our PT has a licensed provider and technician. With three individuals operating out of our highly equipped PT area, we are able to ensure the students are ready to fight.
We have an Optometrist in-house that is fully capable with all state of the art equipment to assist in the overall mission of medical readiness for the student and flight population. This team of an optometrist and optometry technician work closely with the flight team to expedite physical readiness.